Fredericton, NB- The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the selection of Kjeld-Mizpah Conyers-Steede as its new Executive Director of the New Brunswick Student Alliance (NBSA). Conyers-Steede began his term on Thursday, May 2nd, 2019.

"It has been a dream of mine to work alongside passionate student leaders who are eager to influence the Post-Secondary Education sector within the province," said Conyers-Steede "I am looking forward to helping the organization become adaptive, while continuing to be the voice for students."

Conyers-Steede is originally from Smith's, Bermuda, and has been working with nonprofits and government for close to three years. He is a graduate from the University of New Brunswick: Saint John (UNBSJ), where he studied Politics, with a minor in Business. During his time at UNBSJ, he was heavily involved with the UNB Students' Representative Council (UNBSRC) and served on the Board of the NBSA.

"I am ecstatic to work with Kjeld-Mizpah this year. His past experience of being as an NBSA board director and his recent experience working with the Government of New Brunswick will bring a new perspective to our organization. He will be an amazing asset for our board and most importantly for our student unions and student representative councils." said Emelyana Titarenko, Chair of the NBSA Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors would like to thank Emily Blue, for her service and high level of commitment to the organization. They wish Emily the best in her future endeavours.


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